Jennifer DeBruin

Author | Entrepreneur | Speaker

A dynamic session exploring highly innovative ideas and strategies that will help you build a unique brand that has IMPACT – creating engaging, memorable, and profitable experiences.

Highlighted Topics:

  • Tell Your Story: Create a solid brand identify that integrates personal, product/service, and business elements for a powerful image and set of business practices
  • Collaboration: Whether we collaborate with businesses in our community, industry, or most importantly – our customers, relationship building is critical to success. When we work together we leverage business intelligence, encourage loyalty, and maximize profit.
  • Powerful Promotions: With a belief that FREE is best, learn how to apply creative and innovative marketing techniques that draw customers to the business, making sales a natural result of having a great conversation with the right people.

Length: 2.5 hours

Includes: Participant handouts (pdf)

Booking Inquiries

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