Jennifer DeBruin

Author | Entrepreneur | Speaker

This is a gateway presentation to begin or continue your journey of learning.

* Before booking this presentation, I encourage you to seek out Black Educators and Presenters with a focus on this experience. *

This presentation explores the connection of this region to the history of slavery in North America. While information on the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and a brief history of slavery in Canada and the US will provide an understanding of the magnitude of this tragic institution, it most importantly gives a voice to those who were enslaved. Together we’ll journey through time to discover the harrowing experiences of the thousands of enslaved men, women and children who fought for freedom in the courts, fled from enslavement on the Underground Railroad (routes that crossed through Quebec/Eastern Ontario), and eventually settled in Ontario.  An environment of learning and openness, this presentation provides an excellent opportunity to ask questions and get answers or more resources for learning.

Subject Matter: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, History of Slavery in Canada and US, Underground Railroad (St. Lawrence River Routes), Early Ontario Black Settlers, Canadian History

Time Period: 1600s – Mid-Late 1800s

Booking Inquiries

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