* Before booking this presentation, I encourage you to seek out Black Educators and Presenters with a focus on this experience. *
The Underground Railroad through Northern New York into Quebec and Eastern Ontario
Though much is discussed about the Underground Railroad routes from the US into Western Ontario, it is unfamiliar to some that along the St. Lawrence River there were a series of routes to bring Freedom Seekers into Canada. This presentation will discuss the history of the Underground Railroad, northern routes along the St. Lawrence River, and legends and lore that exist on both sides of the border, which may yet help to uncover hidden stories.
Subject Matter: Brief History of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, and History of Slavery in Canada and US, FOCUS – Overview of Underground Railroad – Who were the Freedom Seekers?, How it was operated and by who, including common myths about its operation, and exploring the Underground Railroad (St. Lawrence River Routes) through New York State (touch on Vermont) into Quebec and Eastern Ontario
Time Period: Early 1800s – 1865
Booking Inquiries
Thank you for reaching out.
Email: jenndebruin@gmail.com | Tel: 613-485-0305